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Turn Your Passion Into a Business

Open an Wilson's List Shop

What can you Sell/Rent?

  • Cars

  • Electronics



  • Appartments

Why Sell/List on Wilson's List

Be Part of This Innovative Marketplace

  • Wilson's List is a vibrant community of over thousands of buyers and creative businesses.
  • Grow your brand with a wealth of new customers and promotional tools.
  • Engage with knowledgeable sellers and experts in Teams and Online Lab.

Dare to compare

  • There is nothing even close to Wilson's List.
  • Take full cntrol of how and when you can publish to the entire country.
  • The power is literaly in your hand, dont be afraid to use it. Buy it, Sell it, Rent it.

Express Your Creativity

  • Share the story of your shop in your profile, item photos, and shop banner.
  • Escape the 9-5 grind and focus on your passion.
  • Converse with shoppers, makers and curators about what you love.

Grow Your Independent Creative Business With Wilson's List


Join the movement rebuilding human-scale economies around the world.

Have More Questions ?

Have More Questions?

Joining and setting up a shop is free. Each item listed there will be a 0% charge when the listing is published. A listing lasts until the item is sold and me edited anytime and as many times as you need. Once a sale occurs, there will be a 9% fee on the item’s sale price. You have an opportunity to review and accept the fees that you will be charged prior to publishing a listing.


Do I need a credit card to sign up?

No Credit Card is required to sign up, Just register an account using the website, Android App or iOS App, create a shop and start listing your products for Sale ot Rent.

What can I sell/List on Wilson's List

Wilson's List provides a marketplace for sellers to list new or used items for sale, cars or properties for rent and buyers can confidently but from a sell anywhere in the world without fear of loosing their money to scammers.


How do I pick a username and shop name?

You are represented two different ways: by your username or full name (if you choose to provide one) and by your shop name. If you sign up to List, your default shop name will be your username. While not necessary, adding a shop name will allow you to promote your shop using its unique name and to redirect your buyers to your shop by this name. When you add your shop name, your username remains unchanged. Usernames cannot be changed and are still necessary for certain features like signing into your account or sending a message.